Pundex Fellas Club Offers Virtual and Real-World Perks

by BSC News

July 7, 2022


Holders stand a chance to gain numerous benefits, including online and real-world incentives through partnerships.

NFT Ecosystem With Utilities 

Pundex Fellas Club (PFC), a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) platform on BNB Chain, offers users numerous use cases for minting its collection. The minting, live on its official website, paves the way for several utilities, including staking, partnership inducements, and merchandise. 

PFC is a collection of 3,636 NFTs on BNB Chain. Holders stand a chance to obtain benefits. 

  • The platform’s NFT ecosystem features a Stake-To-Earn service, allowing users to stake their PFC NFTs to earn rewards. Staking NFTs will yield PundexFellas Coins. 
  • PundexFellas Coins give users the license to buy Premium Pundex Fellas Club Merchandise in its Merchandise Store, which will be launched soon. 
  • Aside from staking and purchasing top-notch merchandise, PFC issues real-world benefits to holders. 
  • The NFT platform partnered with businesses in Bali and Malaysia to give holders various benefits and perks. Partners include a tour guide in Bali, a tattoo artist and a vape shop in Malaysia. 
  • PFC also offers online benefits through partnerships with several blockchain protocols to bring more value to NFT holders. One of many online utilities is Web3 education, powered by its collaboration with Rafsans.com
  • Moving forward, the protocol’s co-founder GV told BSC News about more utilities being added in the future plus its plans to venture into the Augmented Reality (AR) space by launching an AR game. 
“We are also in the AR space with a PFC Face Filter on Instagram and a simple AR game to be published very soon on Instagram. More AR utilities such as PFC Logo Animation and NFC Cards are in the development phase,” GV wrote to BSCNews.

Visit the PFC website to participate in the ongoing minting event. Users can purchase a maximum of 10 NFTs per transaction at 0.10 BNB per mint.

What is Pundex Fellas Club: 

PFC is a collection of about 3,636 Rebellious Humanoids that are fleeing the authorities in their galaxies and landing as NFTs on Earth to form a Club. Being a holder of PFC entails receiving exclusive discounts and perks from its real-world partners. Additionally, users will benefit from staking NFTs to earn its native tokens and purchase limited edition merchandise. 

Where to find PFC: 

Website | Twitter | Telegram |

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