A Retrospective of TEAMZ WEB3 / AI Summit 2024

by BSC News

May 23, 2024


This year's summit highlighted the powerful fusion of web3 and AI, featuring influential voices such as Alex Atashkar and Yosuke Yoshida.

The resounding success of the TEAMZ WEB3 / AI Summit 2024 underscores the growing convergence of web3 and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. 

Building upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, the 2023 edition, this year's summit has positioned itself as a cornerstone event within the Japanese tech space.


The convergence of web3 and AI, both of which have gained significant traction in recent years, highlighted the event's thematic focus. From leveraging blockchain technology for AI training data to integrating AI data analysis into decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, the potential alliance between these domains were thoroughly examined.


One remarkable aspect of the Summit was the involvement of Seed.Photo, represented by its Co-founder, Alex Atashkar. Alex's presence on the "Successful Strategies in Bull and Bear Markets" panel discussion exemplified the caliber of industry leaders convened at the event. Joining him were notable figures such as Yosuke Yoshida (CEO of Emurgo), Alexander Belov (Founder of COINSTELEGRAM), Ivan Kan (SVP Web3 & Influencer Strategy at Avenue Z), Andy Cho (Director of Business Development at IQ WIKI), and Greg Krzeszowski (Founder of EAASGLOBAL), each offering valuable insights from their respective domains.


The atmosphere at the Summit was characterized by lively discussions and sharing of knowledge, as both pioneers and experts explored the numerous possibilities arising from the close connection between web3 and AI. Attendees were treated to engaging conversations, instructive presentations, and deep-dive sessions, all aimed at tapping into the transformative potential of these technologies.


Looking back on the achievements of the TEAMZ WEB3 / AI Summit 2024, it's clear that the event sparked innovation and encouraged collaboration in the tech world. With anticipation building for future editions, the Summit serves as a symbol of advancement, guiding the trajectory of the Japanese Web3 industry and beyond.

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