Project Insight: What are Bitcoin Ordinals?

by BSC News

November 13, 2023


Tracing back to Satoshi Nakamoto's vision, Bitcoin Ordinals utilize unique protocols to transact the smallest Bitcoin units, satoshis, with added data, introducing a paradigm shift in the fungibility of Bitcoins.


  • Bitcoin Ordinals, commanding 38% of Bitcoin network activity on November 10, witnessed a peak at 85% on August 21, accompanied by an ORDI token surge of over 195% after its Binance listing.
  • Bitcoin Ordinals enable the transaction of satoshis with added data, creating unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs) directly on the blockchain.
  • Leveraging Segregated Witness (SegWit) and Taproot updates, the Ordinals protocol identifies specific satoshis, storing essential data separately on the blockchain.
  • Serialization of satoshis in the order of mining, combined with positional parameters, brings uniqueness and non-fungibility. The process operates within Bitcoin's framework, avoiding separate blockchains or tokens.
  • Users assign unique identifiers to satoshis, inscribing or attaching data to create Ordinal NFTs, enhancing security and immutability.
  • Hiro, Xverse, and Ordinal Wallet facilitate buying and selling Bitcoin NFTs. The process involves wallet setup, funding, exploring collections, and executing transactions.
  • Bitcoin NFTs find applications in gaming, art, music, ticketing, metaverse ownership, identity verification, fashion, luxury, and real estate.
  • Concerns include network congestion, potential centralization, energy consumption, cost escalation for block space, fungibility challenges, and enhanced tracking affecting privacy.

There has been a surge in interest in Bitcoin Ordinals, commanding 38% of the Bitcoin network activity on November 10 with 201,742 inscriptions. What's more intriguing is that on August 21, it held a staggering 85% of the Bitcoin network activity

Source: dataalways (Dune Analytics)

But what exactly are Bitcoin Ordinals, and what role do they play in the crypto realm?

Unveiling Bitcoin Ordinals: A Unique Protocol Revolutionizing Transactions

Bitcoin Ordinals allow the smallest unit of Bitcoin currency, satoshis, to be transacted with additional data attached. This innovative protocol, credited to Casey Rodarmor, goes beyond the conventional, enabling the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. These unique Bitcoin NFTs are often referred to as Ordinal NFTs, signifying a paradigm shift in the fungibility of Bitcoins.

Tracing the Roots: Satoshi Nakamoto's Vision

The concept of Bitcoin Ordinals traces back to the foundational days of Bitcoin development. Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, introduced ordinals as a fundamental element of the cryptocurrency's architecture. As the Blockchain matured, Bitcoin ordinals evolved, adapting to the changing needs of the network.

Initially, Bitcoin ordinals were simple numerical values sequentially assigned to transactions. However, scalability concerns prompted the implementation of a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet structure. This led to the development of BIP-32, introducing hierarchical deterministic wallets and extended public keys. Using extended public keys with ordinals revolutionized how Bitcoin addresses are generated and managed.

The Genesis: Leveraging SegWit and Taproot

Rodarmor's protocol taps into the power of two pivotal updates to the original Bitcoin protocol—Segregated Witness (SegWit) and Taproot. As a result of the introduction of Taproot, a new Bitcoin address format was introduced, which was crucial to identifying specific satoshis within the Bitcoin Ordinals protocol. 

Meanwhile, the Segregated Witness update decoupled witness information from transaction data, enabling the storage of this vital data in a separate structure on the blockchain. Additionally, this enhancement enabled the inclusion of image and video data in the witness script, as well as digital signatures and validation information.

This brings us to the working of the Bitcoin Ordinals to have a deeper understanding of the technology.

Workings of Bitcoin Ordinals

Bitcoin NFTs created through inscriptions are deeply rooted in Ordinal theory, which treats each satoshi as a unique, individual unit on the Bitcoin network. The Ordinal Protocol, spearheaded by developer Casey Rodarmor, serializes each satoshi in the order they are mined and tracks their journey across Bitcoin transactions. This serialization transforms each satoshi into a non-fungible entity, distinctly different from the interchangeable nature of traditional bitcoins.

Creating Ordinal NFTs: Unveiling the Process

Once a unique identifier is assigned to each satoshi, users can inscribe or attach data to create an Ordinal NFT. Notably, this process operates seamlessly within Bitcoin's existing framework, avoiding the need for a separate blockchain, token, or alterations to the original Bitcoin blockchain. 

Further, a pivotal evolution in Bitcoin ordinals came with the introduction of block confirmations. Transactions aren't considered final until they are included in a block, adding a layer of complexity to ordinals. They not only denote the order of transactions but also factor in the number of blocks added to the Blockchain post-transaction. This innovation enhances the security of Bitcoin transactions, fortifying them against reorganizations or alterations in the Blockchain's history.

In essence, Bitcoin ordinals provide a clear and unalterable sequence of events, solidifying their role as an integral part of the network's consensus rules. Ordinal NFTs stand out as highly secure and immutable entities, inscribed directly onto satoshis in blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Ordinal Parameters: Decoding Satoshi Position

Developer Casey Rodarmor sheds light on the positional parameters associated with each satoshi on the Bitcoin blockchain. These parameters include the index of satoshi in the block, cycle number, index of the block in the difficult adjustment period, and index of the block in the halving epoch. Understanding the interplay of these parameters reveals the position of a satoshi on the Bitcoin blockchain, providing insights into rarity and potential value for collectors.

Repurposing Code for Data Inscription: Unlocking Possibilities

Bitcoin Ordinals not only assign unique identifiers but also repurpose code to envelop the data inscribed on satoshis. With a higher block size limit on Bitcoin, the Ordinals protocol enables the inscription of more extensive data on satoshis. This allows users to mint unique creations, such as CryptoPunks, directly on the Bitcoin blockchain using a single satoshi.

But are they different from NFTs?

Distinguishing Traits of Bitcoin Ordinals from NFTs

  • On-chain Minting: Unlike traditional NFTs, Ordinals store actual raw file data in the Bitcoin blockchain, eliminating the need for external file references.
  • Inscription vs. Tokenization: The core difference lies in inscription. Ordinals directly inscribe data on the Bitcoin blockchain, while NFTs tokenize by creating entirely new tokens on different blockchain networks.
  • Smart Contract Functionality: Bitcoin Ordinals lack smart contract functionality, impacting their tradeability. This necessitates trading through Over-the-counter (OTC) models rather than decentralized exchanges.
  • Concurrency Issues: The inscription process allows for multiple inscriptions on Satoshi units, raising possibilities of concurrency issues—a distinctive feature not present in traditional NFTs.

By contrast, Bitcoin Ordinals present a secure, unique approach to non-fungible tokens within the Bitcoin ecosystem, a significant divergence from conventional NFTs. 

Breaking the Complexity: How to Mine Bitcoin Ordinals

In its nascent stages, mining Bitcoin ordinals required individuals to operate a Bitcoin node. For those adept in technology, having a Bitcoin node equipped with the ord app, a command line wallet, was the entry point into the world of ordinal mining. Node operators loaded their wallets with satoshis, paving the way for gas fees as they embarked on the inscribing process for their ordinals.

No-Code Revolution: Gamma and Ordinals Bot

The landscape of ordinal mining is undergoing a transformation with the emergence of no-code applications like Gamma and the Ordinals Bot. These platforms aim to democratize the mining process, enabling users to upload the content they wish to inscribe and create their Bitcoin ordinals. The user journey simplifies with a payment process facilitated through a QR code, catering to those less technically inclined.

It's crucial to recognize that tools surrounding Bitcoin ordinals are still in their infancy. The genesis ordinals were inscribed merely a few months ago, making this a cutting-edge arena. As demand surges from ordinary users and enthusiasts, the ecosystem and its tools are poised to mature, offering more user-friendly experiences.

Buying and Selling Bitcoin NFTs

Trading Bitcoin NFTs becomes an art governed by a set of steps designed for Taproot-compatible wallets like Hiro, Xverse, and Ordinal Wallet. Let's explore the seamless process of buying and selling these unique digital assets.

Buying Bitcoin NFTs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Wallet Setup:

  • Begin by visiting your preferred wallet and creating an account.
  • Safeguard your investment by backing up your seed phrase and establishing a secure wallet password.

Funding Your Wallet:

  • Deposit funds into your ordinal wallet address to kickstart your trading journey.

Explore Collections:

  • Navigate to the "collections" section within your wallet to explore a curated list of available Bitcoin NFTs.

Select and Purchase:

  • Identify the collection that aligns with your interests and click on "Buy Now."
  • Execute the transaction, and voila, the acquired ordinal seamlessly integrates into your wallet.

Selling Bitcoin NFTs: A Mirror Image Process

Account Creation:

  • As with buying, initiate the process by creating an account and securing your seed phrase and wallet password.

Deposit Funds:

  • Fund your ordinal wallet address, setting the stage for the selling journey.

Exploring the Marketplace:

  • Head to prominent Ordinal marketplaces like Gamma, OrdinalsBot, etc., to commence the selling process.

Inscription Type and Upload:

  • Choose your preferred inscription type, an image, or text, and upload the content for the NFT.

Setting Inscription Fee:

  • Determine the inscription fee, considering the size and duration of the transaction to be completed.

Recipient Address and Transaction Completion:

  • Specify the Ordinal recipient address, finalizing the details to bring the transaction to completion.

Once the NFT has been inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain, its virtual presence comes to life on The platform serves as a visual testament to the uniqueness of your acquired or crafted Bitcoin NFTs, offering a centralized location for exploration and appreciation.

Utility of Bitcoin NFTs

Bitcoin NFTs transcend their digital existence, finding diverse applications across various industries. Let's delve into the various ways these unique digital assets are reshaping utility across different domains.

1. Gaming Revolution: Cosmetics, Skins, and Beyond

Bitcoin NFTs redefine in-game assets in the gaming industry. Cosmetics, accessories, skins, and avatars can seamlessly transform into NFTs, offering players unique incentives and ownership over their digital treasures.

2. Preserving Art and Music: A Timeless Touch

Artists and musicians embrace Bitcoin NFTs to immortalize their digital creations. Tokenizing digital arts and music on the immutable Bitcoin blockchain ensures preservation, while NFTs provide creators with royalties and fans exclusive merchandise opportunities.

3. Ticketing Innovation: Beyond Traditional Boundaries

Ticketing NFTs emerge as a disruptive force in the entertainment industry. Whether for live shows, virtual events, or sports spectacles, these NFTs offer a transparent and convenient verification process, eliminating the need for intermediaries.

4. Metaverse Ownership: Virtual Real Estate Unleashed

Bitcoin NFTs can extend their reach into the metaverse, where lands and properties become ownership tokens. Virtual real estate development thrives on these NFTs, shaping the landscape of digital ownership in the ever-expanding metaverse.

5. Identity and Authentication: Empowering Users

Bitcoin NFTs serve as digital keys to user identity and authentication. With NFTs, individuals can control the security and privacy of their data, paving the way for decentralized and secure identity verification.

6. Fashion and Luxury Authentication: Elevating Ownership

In fashion and luxury, NFTs emerge as guardians of authenticity. These digital certificates authenticate ownership, granting access to exclusive offers, deals, and brand-related items, enriching the luxury experience.

7. Real Estate: Tokenizing the Tangible

Real-world properties undergo a digital transformation through NFTs. Tokenization proves ownership and authenticity and facilitates easy transfers between parties. Integration with various applications and systems opens up a spectrum of possibilities for real estate in the digital age.

While Bitcoin Ordinals presents an innovative approach to asset inscription and digital content verification, as per experts, there are also some drawbacks that accompany their utilization.

Taking on Challenges: Critical Considerations in Bitcoin Ordinals

1. Network Congestion Concerns: Slowing the Pace

A significant criticism revolves around the risk of network congestion. The inclusion of large files in witness scripts could potentially complicate Bitcoin Ordinals transactions, leading to slower confirmation times and elevated transaction fees. This poses a challenge to the efficiency and speed that the Bitcoin network is known for.

2. Centralization Worries: Striking a Balance

The implementation of SegWit and Taproot technologies for Bitcoin Ordinals introduces concerns over potential centralization. As not all Bitcoin nodes and miners universally support these technologies, there's a risk of leaving some participants behind, raising questions about the decentralized nature of the network.

3. Energy Consumption Debate: Balancing Efficiency

The creation and management of Bitcoin Ordinals come with energy consumption concerns. The unique identifier required for each Ordinal could contribute to significant network overhead, potentially increasing energy consumption—a factor that demands careful consideration in a world increasingly conscious of sustainable practices.

4. Cost Escalation for Block Space: A Financial Strain

A critical argument against inscriptions revolves around the potential impact on node operators. The fear is that it may make running full nodes more challenging, leading to increased fees, chain bloat, and potential ramifications for on-chain transactions. The rising cost of block space could exert constant fee pressure, altering the landscape for transaction costs in the long run.

5. Fungibility Challenges: Shaping the Value

The introduction of non-fungible attributes to satoshis raises questions about the fungibility of these units of money. By adding distinctive data to satoshis, ordinals create a duality - some satoshis become rare collectibles, possibly altering market rates and challenging fungibility.

6. Enhanced Tracking: Impact on Privacy

Ordinals introduce additional tracking to Bitcoin, which is inherently pseudonymous. The creation of serial numbers for satoshis, coupled with additional data, makes on-chain behavior more traceable. This enhanced tracking poses challenges for those who prioritize privacy in their Bitcoin transactions, potentially impacting the pseudonymous nature of the network.

Embracing the Future: The Promise and Challenges of Bitcoin Ordinals

The Bitcoin Ordinals project is a pioneer in blockchain innovation, bringing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the venerable Bitcoin network. Traditionally, platforms like Ethereum have held the reins in the NFT realm, but the quest for new frontiers in the crypto and web3 space has propelled the rise of Bitcoin Ordinals.

However, every technological marvel grapples with drawbacks, and Bitcoin Ordinals are no exception. It is important to keep in mind, however, that this technology is still in its infancy. 

The unparalleled design, immutability, and security embedded in the Ordinal protocol contribute to its unique position in the ever-expanding world of non-fungible tokens.

As developers work to address ongoing controversies within web3 communities surrounding Bitcoin NFTs and Ordinals, the evolution of this groundbreaking technology continues.


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