BNB Chain NFT Community to Hold MegaSpace Event Nov. 25

by BSC News

November 24, 2022


BNGA brings together more than 60 BNB Chain NFT projects and 100 people for the wide-ranging discussion.

BNGA Hosts Event for Entire BNB Chain NFT Community

The NFT community on BNB Chain is gearing up for a major event Friday, as the BNB Chain NFT Growth Alliance (BNGA) is hosting a MegaSpace featuring scores of projects and people.

The Twitter Spaces event starts at noon on Nov. 25.

Influencers, developers, and project teams were trying their best to break Twitter on Thursday, posting notices and commentary about the BNGA MegaSpace, using the hashtag #BNBchainNFTs.

Baked Universe Co-Founder liquid.bnb posted a thread on Nov. 23 containing details on the event, with discussion topics including marketplaces, passive income, lotteries, gamefi, entertainment, development, education, swaps, real-world interactions, identity, and art.

Essentially, anyone who’s anyone in BNB NFTs is going to be there, including representatives from BSC News and our BSC News NFT project.

… Will CZ show up? The only way to find out is to join in!

What Is BNB Chain:

Previously known as the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), BNB Chain is a community-driven, decentralized, and censorship-resistant blockchain that is powered by Binance. It consists of BNB Beacon Chain and BNB Smart Chain, EVM compatible and facilitating a multi-chain ecosystem. Through the concept of MetaFI, BNB Chain aims to build the infrastructure to power the world’s parallel virtual ecosystem.

Find more about BNB Chain here:

Website |  Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub |

What is BNB Chain NFT Growth Alliance (BNGA):

The BNB Chain NFT Growth Alliance consists of 20+ BNB Chain NFT projects working together to grow the BNB Chain NFT space. The group’s vision is to provide a BNB Chain Alliance that rivals other top blockchains and is focused on bringing NFTs and other projects to consumers in the industry. 

Follow BSC NFT Growth Alliance on Twitter to learn more. 
