Aswang Tribe NFT Project Looks To Push The Limits Of Blockchain Technology


September 6, 2022


Aswang Tribe highlights Art, Blockchain, and Culture through generative profile pictures featuring Philippine mythlogocial creatures.

Filipino profile picture NFT project, Aswang Tribe, highlights culture, blockchain, and art through testing the limits of the Ethereum network.

The project takes inspiration from Philippine folklore as the name “Aswang” is an umbrella term to describe mythological creatures in the Philippines. The collection has a total of 3,333 unique NFTs equally split among Tikbalangs (Horseman), Siyokoys (Merman), and Dwednes (Dwarfs). The project was quick to sell out last June as Twitter exploded with users who PRAY to the gods for a ticket that whitelists them for the mint.

“Aswang Tribe is primarily intended to push Filipino representation in web3,” Aswang, the lead artist of the project, told BSCNews. “The NFTs themselves are infused with a staking and breeding utility to gamify the art collecting experience, but the more interesting aspect for me is the “Prayer Level” system - a feature that causes the backgrounds of the NFTs to “evolve” the longer they are staked.”

Apart from gaining $DUGO tokens, which are used to summon Manananggals (Female Vampires), as a reward for staking your Aswang NFT, these NFTs also level up. The final prayer level, according to Aswang, will unlock after 333 years, the same number of years that the Philippines was colonized by Spain. Through this aspect, the NFT project will also test the limits of blockchain technology.

“If the promises of blockchain tech prove true, then the Aswang Tribe NFTs will continue to evolve long after their original owners are dead,” Aswang continued. “Living digital monuments to the roles that Filipinos played during the nascency of crypto art and NFTs. Immutable records of Filipino culture that will exist as long as the Ethereum blockchain exists.”

Aswang Tribe also looks to highlight local artists within the South East Asian region through its project.  It is just one of the Philippine blockchain projects that look to have Filipino representation in the crypto space. But the key difference that Aswang Tribe has is that it tries to focus, not just on culture, but on NFT art and artists as well.

“Aswang Tribe differentiates itself from other projects in the space by being a heavily artist-focused project,” said the top creator. “There is a glut of talented Filipino and Southeast Asian creatives in the space that are currently overlooked, and a core part of Aswang Tribe’s mission is to shine the spotlight on these artists, provide them with the resources and a platform to share their art, and hopefully become a gateway that other creatives in the traditional art world can use to explore the world of crypto art.”

Aswang originally was hesitant to create a generative art collection. His first project, “Aswang Collection” is a collection of unique 1/1 hand-illustrated NFT artworks inspired by Philippine culture.  Aswang felt a bit unsure of the whole generative profile picture phenomenon but eventually saw it as an opportunity to expand on his original vision.

“If the goal of Aswang Collection was to make Filipino mythology and culture a mainstay of web3, a generative project with a larger collection size could make that vision materialize faster by taking advantage of the network effect and providing a lower-cost barrier for entry,” Aswang said.

Check out Aswang Tribe’s website or official collection for more details.


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