WinkyVerse AMA Transcript


September 28, 2022


" A Global Education Games Metaverse "

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with Winkyverse! Today we have @JeremTWV and @AnneClaireTWV joining us to talk about their exciting new project. Great to have you here :)


Hello everyone, hello Stephanie :)


Hello Stephanie. Thanks for the invite. We are thrilled to be here with you

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great to have you guys here today! Without further due, we will jump right into the questions. Sounds good with you?



Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great, so to kick things off, for those who may be unfamiliar...

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind Winkyverse.


Super. Hello everyone,  my name is Anne-Claire, you can call me Anne. I am the COO of Mainbot, the 1st global educational metaverse. I am the mother of 2 kids, who are 8 and 15 years old. I spent my career mainly  in the Tech & Media industry, managing bus dev and operations teams in international environments.  I am passionate about converging technologies and contents that lead to positively impacting people’s lives.

Today we are 60 employees at Mainbot. We are super proud of our diversity of talents coming  from Tech (web3.0, blockchain, robotics, AI, IOT) and  entertainment (gaming, media, art studios)

An important addition to this team is our advisory board. We are backed by top notch advisors coming from The Sandbox, Mattel, Asmodée, Disney, the Pokemon Company and Open Classroom who actively accelerate our development thanks to their business experience and network.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Awesome. Thank you for that amazing introduction, sounds like you have an amazing team behind you, including the advisory board!

2. What is Winkyverse and what’s the vision and mission of your team?


The Winkyverse is an immersive and meaningful metaverse which offers a broad array of fun game-based learning content for adults, children and families alike.

We aim at becoming the first global educational gaming metaverse.

As creators of The Winkyverse, we think there should be no boundaries to personal growth and human education. We also believe that learning is more efficient and impactful when accessed from a vibrant environment through fun and memorable experiences.

Building on 5 years experience in the educational ecosystem, we came to the conclusion a gaming metaverse will be the ideal place for educational content. We are convinced Web 3.0 and education are meant to converge and we want to be pioneers in this revolution.

Actually, in our metaverse and animated series, 3000 years from now, Mankind, Nature and Technologies live in harmony.

We want to inspire people to get there. We are not an academic content provider. Instead we want to help people reconnect to their inner growth potential via vibrant gaming experiences that talk about past cultures, life sciences and technologies in order to impulse appropriate  behavioral change for Good.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Very ambitious with great motives! Let's unpack a bit as there was a lot I wanted to touch on. So first let's talk about your token

3. Can you tell us more about $WNK token?

a. Utility

b. Tokenomics


The Winkies ($WNK) are our digital currency, which can be used as currency of value in The Winkyverse.

The Winkies can be used to:

- Pay for in-game purchases & avatars/customizations

- Purchase premium and exclusive contents

- Reward game developers and artists designing accessories on WinkyMaker and WinkyStudio

- Stake your Winkies to earn passive income

BTW, another great utility is coming tomorrow !! On Thursday, 29th, we are launching our private sales 🚀

Regarding the tokenomics

:In 2021, we raised 24M€ in ICO for

- Marketing branding and user acquisition : 40%

- Winkyverse development and 3rd parties game editors: 40%

- Hardware R&D 10%

- Security and reserve : 10%

In the  inception phase, we have plenty of mechanisms to fuel the market with wynkies such as: airdrops to the community, staking to reward NFT or WNK holders.

Today, with the land sale we are also introducing an attractive referral program for all land owners.... nice incentives are coming 🎉

Stephanie (BSC.News)

How exciting! Keep the date in mind, community. It's tomorrow!

Okay neat! So let's actually talk about Winkyverse land because it is something that I found to be really interesting

4. What can users expect from Winkyverse land? What are the different types of land?


The Winkyverse players will explore, customize, collect, craft, compete, and learn!

These gameplay mechanics will be available to all players, as The Winkyverse is free-to-play with play-to-earn opportunities.

Land ownership will provide additional perks and options, a greater role to play in the world balance and economy, and much more opportunities for revenue generation.

So in terms of benefits :

First, you are free to customize your land as you see fit, by developing your land and building structures. You will be able to decorate your land and work to make it attractive to other players. They will want to come to your land, experience your creations or use the services you provide.

Services between players will be at the heart of the gameplay experience. Most of these services will be provided on player-owned land. In The Winkyverse, players need to work together and develop synergies between their resources and buildings, and those available on their neighbors’ land.

There are 2 different tiers of lands:  standard and legendary

Standard lands will have room to host several buildings. Legendary lands have much more room for buildings, they will offer a much greater range of services to other players!

There also will be tiers for services on player-owned land, so buildings can be upgraded to provide more efficient services, such as allowing the production of specific items, or faster travel between lands.

Provided they have enough resources, legendary land owners will have the opportunity to build and upgrade their structures to the highest level. Players must collaborate and work together to complete such legendary buildings.

You may to know about the services as well:


Players will benefit from a wide range of services, offered by players or Mainbot

- Transport (move faster through the land... when you're not using the animal cities to travel 😉...

- Crafting (create objects)

- Gathering (gather materials and resources)

- Storage (store items)

- Hosting (organize events, host User Generated Content)

- Trading (trade and sell with other players, in a region, a biome)

- Caring (take care and improve your avatar and your Winkybot companion)

Some of these services will be available on selected Mainbot-owned lands, but it will be up to the players to build additional structures and provide services to the community. New structures, such as a house, a dockyard, or a workshop, can only be erected on player-owned land.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Sounds good! Thank you for the explanation. So to touch more on the ecosystem using the $WNK token

5. Can you please explain 6 different types of apps in Winkyplay and why they are unique?


Today, the WinkyPlay is an app that is distinct from the Winkyverse . However it kind of introduces the Winkyverse...

The Winkyplay app is free and downloadable from Apple store and Play store. People usually use it with their robot along with another app which is called WinkyCode that teaches kids from 5 to 12 how to code.

WinkyPlay’s next  release is scheduled for mid November as we want to be ready for our Robot promotion on BlackFriday

It shows Pomokata, our first biom in the Winkyverse  from the air, giving you a glimpse of what the winkyverse will look like. Basically it looks like tropical islands.🌴🌴☀️ In the sky, you can find 5 floating animal cities that will also be present in the winkyverse.

These animal cities host gameplays meant to be played with our Winky robot as a remote controler 🎮. For example, you’ll have  Brick Breaker, Wacky Race that are inspired by famous gameplays but also inhouse brand new concepts such as Rock Maze or Music Tree (a cool feature that transforms our robot device into a musical instrument)

But in case your question is more more about the gameplay you'll find in the winkyverse:

Players will play together to collect resources, craft objects, consumables, and gear. They will then use these items for progression or customization.

Let's take an example :

To place the chair of your dreams in your house, you must gather wood 🌳, turn your wood into planks 🪵, and finally craft the chair  🪑.

You can do all these steps by yourself, or you can use the services provided by other players. Or you have the option to purchase the wood, planks, tools or chair from other players at a marketplace!

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Very interesting! I am happy to hear that it's free to play.

6. Please tell us about the benefits and advantages of using Winkyverse and holding Winkies token


The winkyverse is a game-based learning metaverse. We benchmarked against the best and II believe we took the best of what is currently existing in the metaverse and gaming market… with a little something on top.

We learnt Web3 from our mentor, The SandBox. Their COO holds a seat in our advisory board.

We got inspired by ClassDojo for the educational content, Roblox for the UGC experience, Animal crossing for the inclusiveness  - gathering both children and adults in the same gaming experience,

and Yuga Labs for the strong IP they built with the Bored Apes.  We are currently in final discussions with a Global producer for our animated series, scheduled to be broadcasted early  2026.

But what we provide on top is an augmented experience with the Wwinky robot, a hardware that can be used as a remote controler. We have ccol stuffs in the product roadmap for that…

And clearly our views on how to impulse change for good via access to knowledge.

The WNK is the functional currency in the game. It is the sinews of war and because there is a strong utility of the token in game, the value will increase.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Very cool. For sure need to go check that out asap!

7. What is Winkymaker? Are you in a development stage?


The Winky Maker is our tool to create your own NFT and accessories that will be craftable and usable in the Winkyverse. It provides 2 types of solution:

- an easy-to-use tool with drag&drop interactions to combine various elements in order to create an asset

- a more complete environment with the possibility to import standard 3D models to generate more complex assets.

The created assets can be:

- Accessories for the avatars of The Winkyverse

- Accessories for the Bots in The Winkyverse

- Assets for the WinkyVerse

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Brilliant, thank you! Lots to look forward to. Let’s touch a bit more on NFTs

8. What makes your NFTs unique compared to other projects out there? Can you please describe all of the various rewards users can get by holding your NFT?


Regarding NFTs

For us, the NFT is a community asset that fosters cooperation. It provides value to the owner but also to the players who can benefit from it either through the gameplay or the P2E experience.

The rewards are in-game and out-game.

In-game : As we develop a gameplay loop for asset creation, the crafted items are core elements of the game experience.  Players have access to the market place each step of the asset production loop (collecting, refinering, crafting and distribution)

Out-game: Our robot will provide an augmented experience in the winkyverse. As players use their physical robot as a remote controler in front of their PC, the NFT will gain experience in the device and the digital twin inside the metaverse. Likewise, the virtual winkybot will communicate with the physical robot, by notifying me of what’s going on in the metaverse when I am offline.

Perks: NFT holders will get 50% discount during the private land sale that is starting tomorrow at 6PM CET.

For all of our NFTs we also envision making them interoperable as much as possible with other metaverses and Web3 content.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great! Thanks for the info.

9. Many Metaverse projects struggle to maintain a sustainable reward system and economy. How are you going to make sure Winkyverse is sustainable in the long term?


You are absolutely right. Many current metaverse rely on investors to develop and sustain their game economy. If investments stop, the economy goes down, leading to ghost towns

In the Winkyverse, the value creation stems from the gameplay.

At the beginning, both Mainbot and paid users invest in the development of the game either by developing and buying lands.

Then, as players engage in the game and play,they create value. They collect and craft resources, creating content to progress in the game. They enrich the economy of the game with their products to the benefit of the players..

And each step of the creation loop they can decide to resell their assets in the marketplace.

Finally, all this created value will be re-injected in the system through further game development and land upgrades to the benefits of the whole ecosystem.

Another big differentiator is that we believe that the more we get players and traffic, the more efficient and sustainable  our ecosystem will be.

- Promise of a free experience as a mainstream entry point to engagement, conversion and monetization.

- Soft/Hard/Crypto cohabitation to feed an open and inclusive game and monetization experience.

- Free -> Paying -> Crypto to optimize both acquisition and conversion potentials.

- Game as a Service model continuously renews game content to generate recurring revenue

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Thank you for clarifying this point in detail. It is one of the important questions that our community members want to know. Last but not least...

10. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?


On Thursday, 29th, tomorrow, we are launching our private sales.

During 4 days, Our Wwinkybot NFT holders will have the opportunity to buy lands with a 50% discount cashback. Mint for these NFTs is now closed but it’s still time to get one on OpenSea to get whitelisted for the private sale!

Starting October 3rd and provided land supply lasts, the sale will go public for all users to access.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

It's definitely some exciting stuff! Would you be able to provide us with social media links so that our community could follow?


For sure

Twitter :

Discord :

Telegram :

Instagram :

Twitch :

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Awesome! If you haven't already make sure to go and check out Winkyverse everyone! Super exciting project that you don't want to miss out on :)
