UK Financial Regulator Unveils Permanent Digital Sandbox to Test Financial Applications

by BSC News

July 20, 2023


Set to open on August 1, 2023, the Digital Sandbox will provide participants access to an extensive range of resources, including over 200 datasets and more than 1000 application program interfaces (APIs).

Opportunity for UK Fintech Innovators

The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced the launch of a permanent version of its Digital Sandbox, according to an official announcement on July 20. The experimental environment will enable firms to test their products at an early stage of development, helping to drive advancements in banking, investment, lending, payments, insurance, and pensions.

The FCA's Digital Sandbox, which had previously undergone two successful pilot stages, is set to become available permanently from August 1, 2023. In its second phase of pilot testing, the Digital Sandbox demonstrated its adaptability through assessing projects on their sustainability performance, including eco-friendly decentralized ledgers. 

Worth noting, participants in the permanent sandbox will have access to an extensive repository of resources, including over 200 datasets and more than 1000 application program interfaces (APIs). These datasets cover a wide array of areas such as payments, transactions, social media, and credit data, enabling thorough testing and validation of innovations.

Applicants seeking to join the Digital Sandbox can expect an approval process that takes up to four weeks. The sandbox is also open to data providers, offering them opportunities to contribute to and benefit from this collaborative testing environment. 

The FCA's offering boasts versatility, with the capability to support various distributed ledgers and digital asset use cases, including the facilitation of interoperability between networks.

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