DEGA Insight: The Role of Blockchain in AI Agent Coordination and Payment Systems


September 14, 2024


The third instalment in DEGA's AI-focused series has arrived...

What’s the challenge for a sci-fi AI operated world?


As organizations increasingly incorporate AI into their operations, managing the growing complexity of human-AI collaboration becomes a challenge. In a world where teams consist of both human employees and autonomous AI agents, coordination is key. Organizations need agents that can handle specialized tasks, communicate with external systems, and integrate seamlessly with third-party services.


However, the current financial infrastructure and traditional point-based systems do not support these advanced levels of automation, especially when it comes to managing payments, communication, and delegating tasks across multiple external agents. This is especially problematic for industries that require complex, multi-agent ecosystems to streamline operations globally.


Agent to Agent Payments




To overcome these challenges, organizations will employ Coordinator Agents — high-level orchestrators responsible for managing both human and AI teams across multiple departments and external systems. The diagram titled “Agent to Agent Payments” illustrates how a local swarm of agents, including Coordinator Agents, Finance Operator Agents, and Customer Management Agents, can communicate with external systems like Fintech SaaS, DeFi SaaS, and CRM SaaS agents. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements in the proposed solution:


  1. High-Level Coordinator Agents: These agents orchestrate operations across human and AI teams, ensuring seamless task delegation and efficient workflows. They act as intermediaries, managing both specialized agents and external systems.
  2. Specialized Agents: Some agents are designed for highly focused use cases, such as handling finance or customer management. These specialized agents excel at what they do but may require guidance and coordination from higher-level agents.
  3. Inter-Agent Communication and Delegation: Certain agents communicate with external agents, delegating specific tasks like accessing third-party SaaS systems for fintech, DeFi, or CRM operations. This allows organizations to streamline operations without needing to manually bridge different platforms.
  4. Agent-to-Agent Payments: As agents collaborate across borders and systems, global agent-to-agent payments will become essential. These payments will need to follow open standards, enabling organizations to easily integrate new agents from different providers. Blockchain-based payments, which are secure, decentralized, and efficient, will play a pivotal role in facilitating this.
  5. Allocated Budgets for Agents: Each agent will require a designated budget to carry out its tasks autonomously. This is particularly important for agents that need to interact with external services or make transactions, such as paying for API usage or interacting with a DeFi protocol.
  6. Challenges with Traditional Systems: Achieving this level of interconnectivity and autonomy is nearly impossible with traditional banking systems, which are slow and regionally constrained. Moreover, point-based reward systems lack the flexibility needed to rapidly onboard new agents from external providers.
  7. Reputation Attestation via Blockchain: To build trust within the agent ecosystem, blockchain technology can be used to attest to the reputation of various agents. Agents with a track record of good behavior — efficient task completion, ethical data handling, etc. — can have their reputations recorded immutably, creating an environment of trust for organizations and third-party service providers.




By adopting this multi-agent approach, organizations will significantly boost operational efficiency, allowing SMEs, individual entrepreneurs, and enterprises to scale operations like never before. Automated teams of agents can take over complex tasks, freeing up human workers for higher-level strategic decisions. These agents will not only streamline operations internally but also create new opportunities for external collaboration, enabling a truly global, interconnected business landscape.


  • Entrepreneurs: Individuals will be able to deploy highly specialized agents to handle different aspects of their business, from customer support to financial operations, without needing to hire a large team. This lowers the barrier to entry, making entrepreneurship more accessible.
  • SMEs: Small and medium-sized enterprises can automate large portions of their workflow, enabling them to operate more efficiently at scale. They can leverage agent-to-agent communications to integrate with external SaaS solutions, automating operations that previously required manual effort.
  • Enterprises: Large companies can create inter-organizational teams of agents that collaborate seamlessly across global offices and external partners. With blockchain-powered reputation systems, these companies can ensure the trustworthiness of the agents they employ, reducing risks while improving operational efficiency.


In conclusion, the future of business will be powered by networks of intelligent agents, making operations faster, smarter, and more interconnected than ever before. Blockchain and open standards for agent payments will be crucial in enabling this shift, bringing the vision of a global, AI-powered workforce to life


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