Rottoken - The New Solidarity Gem!

by BSC News

December 5, 2022


United by mental health experiences, the Rottoken team is merging their passion for crypto and mental health.

Meme Meets Mental Health

We have just entered December with the market in absolute uncertainty. During this period of chaotic developments keeping the global crypto landscape in turmoil, we introduce a solid gem. There are many memes, but only a few stand out within the so-called meme tokens, either because of the great acceptance and followers they acquire or simply because their social work ends up being their great strength.

Here we introduce Rottoken of the Rottweiler breed, a powerful and caring puppy named Rotto, currently in its pre-sale phase on the PinkSale platform. The total supply will be 100 billion, well below what we are accustomed to with these types of tokens. Rottoken arrives firmly and has received the support of many influencers.


Rottoken's power lies in its community, which has been growing exponentially in recent days. Something that is not surprising when you browse their website and discover its incredible social function and utility. Their work and commitment impact one of the most significant social problems in recent years, mental health and its continued care. Rottoken is very committed to this field and has already sealed some collaborations with organizations like Peace Mountain Ranch that support and provide care to veterans and civilians that struggle with mental health. Resources will be made available to these organizations throughout the US and other countries.

The idea of Rottoken was developed among a group of crypto investors who observed the power of meme tokens in the crypto community and the success of many projects with solid functions within the meme world. The developers themselves, united by mental health experiences, both personal and professional, saw a way to combine their passion for crypto and mental health. This will allow them to help people with similar experiences as theirs.

As far as the technical data is concerned, the contract has been developed by the well-known company BlockSAFU, which has overseen the auditing process and carried out the KYC of all the members of the Rottoken team. These elements of security demonstrate the seriousness of developers and their commitment to the project and its transparency.

Buy and Sell Taxes

The taxes are set at 10%, both on purchase and sale, and will be distributed as follows: 1% is allocated to liquidity, 3% will be used to do an automatic buyback and burn, another 3 % goes into reflections that will be distributed among all the holders in BUSD stablecoin. The last 3% will be allocated to marketing and development.

In addition, our first NFT collection is now underway. Each NFT owner will become part of an exclusive club that will have early access to new developments under the Rottolabs program. NFT holders will obtain special benefits in different launches, partnerships, and tools that will be revealed over time.

Although too soon to announce, the intention of the project is to develop its own staking platform and wallet, as well as a revolutionary surprise that is still in its early stages of development. The Rottoken team will subsequently unveil the surprise. All these elements are combined with what the communities love and ask the most for - continuous listings on the best exchanges. Rottoken will develop the platform and integrate periodic burns.

Follow Rottoken's official channels for more information:

Website | Telegram | Twitter | Discord | Linktree
