President Biden Takes Strong Stance: No Debt Deal Protecting Crypto Traders

by BSC News

May 21, 2023


With the June 1 deadline looming, the Treasury Department warns of potential consequences if the federal government defaults, including financial market chaos and soaring interest rates.

Impending Financial Chaos? 

In a stunning announcement, U.S. President Joe Biden declared on Sunday that he would not agree to a debt deal with Republicans in Congress if it protected “wealthy tax cheats and crypto traders.” 

Speaking at a news conference during the G7 summit, Biden emphasized the need for a bipartisan agreement but clarified that he wouldn't jeopardize vital programs like food assistance to benefit the crypto industry.

As well he pointed out that he laid out a proposal that would cut spending by over a trillion dollars. Biden also expressed his disapproval of many other proposals.

Biden's strong stance against a debt deal that protects crypto traders comes when regulators intensify scrutiny of the cryptocurrency realm. This statement sends a resounding message that the Biden administration is committed to holding the industry accountable and preventing undue advantages for wealthy individuals and tax evaders. 

With less than two weeks remaining until June 1 debt ceiling, the Treasury Department has warned of the potential consequences of a federal government default. If the Treasury runs out of cash to pay government bills, this scenario could trigger financial market chaos and cause interest rates to spike.

While Biden expressed optimism about reaching a deal with Republicans, he acknowledged the possibility that they might resort to "doing something outrageous" and force a default. The President's determination to avoid a default at all costs highlights the severe repercussions it would have for the United States and the global economy.

President Biden is set to engage in discussions with Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy upon his return to the United States. The outcome of these negotiations will be critical in determining the country's fiscal future and ensuring the continued stability of the financial markets.
