Mt. Gox Creditors Anticipate Repayments Starting in 2023: Trustee's Email


November 22, 2023


The email outlines plans to commence repayments in cash within the 2023 calendar year, funded by the sale of Mt. Gox's remaining assets.

Creditors of the defunct Mt. Gox exchange are on the brink of receiving repayments, as per emails from the bankruptcy trustee on Nov. 22.

The bankruptcy trustee, Nobuaki Kobayashi, communicated this development, indicating the anticipated start of repayments in 2023.

The long-awaited reimbursements will be funded through the sale of Mt. Gox's remaining assets, including 142,000 BTC, 143,000 BCH, and 69 billion yen (approximately $625 million). While a considerable portion of these assets has already been liquidated, some are being held back to facilitate the repayment process.

The email assured creditors that they need not take any immediate action and should patiently await the start of repayments. Kobayashi emphasized his commitment to transparent communication, aligning with previous statements regarding prioritizing creditor engagement throughout the repayment procedure.

Timeline and Challenges

Despite the positive news, the exact timeline for individual repayments remains undetermined due to the extensive list of creditors and diverse types of repayments. Repayments will likely continue until 2024 due to the sheer number of rehabilitation creditors.

Mt. Gox, once the largest bitcoin exchange globally, collapsed in 2014, filing for bankruptcy protection after losing over 800,000 bitcoins. The rehabilitation process for creditors has been lengthy, marked by legal complexities and delayed deadlines. 

The forthcoming repayments offer a glimmer of hope for Mt. Gox creditors, signaling the beginning of the end of a prolonged period of uncertainty. 


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