CroSwap Kicks Off FIFA World Cup Sweepstakes Oct. 28


October 22, 2022


CroSwap is holding a FIFA World Cup sweepstakes, where participants can purchase and trade country NFTs for a chance to split the prize pool.

CroSwap Catches FIFA Fever

The CroSwap FIFA World Cup sweepstakes mint will be live from Oct. 28 to Dec. 2, allowing participants to purchase random Non-Fungible Token (NFT) cards associated with a country in the world cup.

Holders can trade their NFT cards, which will initially cost 250 $CRO to mint (about $25). The prize pool will be split equally among all participants who have a card for the country that wins the World Cup Trophy.

“This wasn't about rewards to a single person. By layering in randomness for the mints by who might win, along with opening trading at a certain point, it adds a competitive layer to it like trading cards do,” CroSwap’s Business Development Manager told BSC News. “Having a chance to trade off who you think might win versus who will win adds a layer of gamification in its own right, which we think could be a lot of fun!”

CroSwap, CroSkull, CronosNode NFT, and Thunder Token are chipping in to seed the prize pool, which will then be fed with 80% of minting proceeds. The remining 10% will go to $CRO/$CROS LP injection and 10% to CroSwap’s Treasury.

What Is CroSwap:

CroSwap is in the process of launching a suite of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) services for the Cronos Network, including a DEX, NFT staking platform, and DeFi educational tutorials.

Where to find CroSwap:

Website | Twitter | Discord | Medium
