August 10, 2021
Our #AMAchella with BunnyPark, Bakery Swap, MOBOX, MyDeFiPet, and Featured by Binance was a great success. Check out what they had to say in this transcript of the event
Andrew (BSC.News):
Thank you for joining us today, we have a lineup of some amazing projects for this AMA đ
First I would like to introduce all the projects that we have in store for you today aswell as who will be representing them
BakerySwap - Mean is the Community Manager at Bakeryswap. BakerySwap is a DecentralizedFinance (DeFi) platform that combines Automated Market Maker elementsand NFT capabilities on the BSC.
Mean (BakerySwap):
Hi everyone!
Andrew (BSC.News):
Bunny Park - Tony is theFounder and CEO of BunnyPark which is a DeFi + NFT project deployedon Binance Smart Chain. The program focuses on NFT SaaSization andproduct standardization to allow more variety of NFT gameplay,product rules and application value to be output in a series ofstandard smart contracts.
Tony (Bunny Park):
Hi everyone !
Andrew (BSC.News):
Featured by Binance -Flora is a COO of Featured by Binance, a new decentralized NFTplatform with a star-studded lineup of world renowned artists,musicians, and brands launching NFTs for the first time ever.
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Hello everyone!
Andrew (BSC.News):
MOBOX - Soon is theCo-Founder of MOBOX, a new gaming project that looks to build on theinteroperability of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and create theultimate DeFi gaming experience with hopes to bridge the game betweengamers and regular DeFi users by providing NFTs that work ondifferent blockchains, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, andTron.
Soon (MOBOX):
Pleasure to be here
Andrew (BSC.News):
MyDeFiPet - Astrid is thehead of marketing and partnerships of My DeFi Pet, a game that hastaken DeFi on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) by storm and introduced theworld of digital pets to the world of NFTs, the game lets userscreate a pet NFT collectible based on their own personalities.
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
Hi everyone!
Andrew (BSC.News):
Thank you all, veryexcited to have you here today
Unfortunately CryptoBladesis unable to attend but the show goes one !
So how this will go is,the first round of the AMA will be consisting of questions that Ihave collected for all the projects here today. The second round willbe project specific questions and that will wrap it up
So to get things started,BakerySwap you are up first
Andrew (BSC.News):
1. Please introduceyourself, the platform that you represent and give a briefdescription of your platform.
Mean (BakerySwap):
Iâm Mean, lead communitymanager at BakerySwap since the early days, and with several years ofexperience managing digital communities. BakerySwap is a DeFiplatform that combines DEX, Marketplace, NFT Gamification, and IDOservices.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Thank you BakerySwap!
Bunny Park you are next,please introduce yourself and your project đ
Tony (Bunny Park):
Hello everyone. I'm Tony.Currently Founder and CEO of BunnyPark. I have a HBA degree inBusiness Studies from the University of Ontario, Canada.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Featured by Binance, youare up
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Thanks, Andrew. Â I amFlora and I am part of Binance X, the innovation arm of Binance. Â Werecently incubated a decentralized NFT platform called âFeatured byBinance.â
Our goal is to provide anon-custodial, on-chain platform to facilitate the entire lifecycleof NFTs for creators, brands, and their fans.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Very excited to hear aboutthat, thank you Flora
MOBOX you are next
Soon (MOBOX):
Hello All,
Glad to be part of thisAMA, and the ever expanding BSC ecosystem.
I am one of theco-founders of MOBOX, and platform built on the Binance Smart Chaincombining the best of DeFi Yield Farming and Gaming NFTs. Â
The MOBOX platform hasbeen launched for roughly 4 months and have accumulated a peak TVL of300,000,000 USD, over 700,000 NFTs minted by users, earned over50,000,000 USD for users, and over 55,000,000 in NFT trade volume.
Our vision is that thereis no singular metaverse, whereas the blockchain is the metaverseitself and that all metaverses should be interconnected to form onemetaverse. Â To make this possible, the teamâs focus is on NFTinteroperability, creating multiple utility for NFTs on the BinanceSmart Chain.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Thank you MOBOX glad tohave you here as well!
Last but not least, MyDeFiPet you are next
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
Hello all!
Glad to be here. IâmAstrid Dang - Head of Marketing and Partnerships of My DeFi Pet andHead of Marketing and Partnership at owns My Defi Pet)
Brief introduction aboutMy DeFi Pet, the name of the project speaks for itself.
âMyâ - petpersonalization, a feature that will be rolled out in the future topersonalize your pet based on your real life activities.
âDeFiâ - the gameâscore features include Play2Earn and DeFi that will be integrated intothe in-game content. It would change the way people play video games.Instead of pay to win, My DeFi Pet allows users to âInvest to Playto Earnâ.
âPetâ - each pet inthe game is an NFT that can be traded, staked, borrowed, or lended.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Okay amazing, thank youDeFi Pet!
So now that you have allhad a chance to introduce yourselves...
2. What makes yourplatform unique and appealing to users?
Bakeryswap, you are firstup
Mean (BakerySwap):
Great question!
What makes our platformunique is the way and how we combine all of our services to have anedge in the market. As an example, the way we combine NFT and DeFi,like NFT staking, or stake tokens to earn NFTs is pretty singular. Weare building more DeFi features on top of NFTs and our NFTMarketplace, to differentiate us better... So stay tuned!
Andrew (BSC.News):
Yup stay tuned, BakerySwapdoing big things!
Bunny Park you are up next
Tony (Bunny Park):
BunnyPark is a DeFi + NFTproject deployed on Binance Smart Chain. BunnyPark focuses on NFTSaaS and product standardization to allow more variety of NFTgamification, product rules and application value to be output in aseries of standard smart contracts.
Our team believed throughthis way, more NFT projects and artists would be able to quickly formNFTs and platforms, promoting BunnyPark as the DeFi Lego in the NFTsector. At the same time, among the features of BunnyPark includeFarm, CropPool, NFT mining, Swap apart from the various traditionalDeFi platform functions.
Furthermore, variousinteresting sections such as interstellar expedition, NFT MysteryBlind Boxes, NFT Social Exchange, NFT Park as a high quality contentincubation platform, NFT SaaS standardized platform, NFT creationplatform etc will be available on BunnyPark to promote valuable usageof NFTs.
We strive to optimize theUI for our users, regardless of their experiences in crypto.
Hence, navigatingBunnyPark is very intuitive and straightforward. We divide eachfeature into separate sections such as the NFT section, Farms andPools section, Swap & Liquidity section, Game section and IDOsection. Users may just click on the sections they wish to explore.
Also, we display live dataof BP price, BigBang progress, TVL, total BP burned and total supply(excluding total BP burned) on the homepage so that users may obtainthe information easily and conveniently. Everything is transparent.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Very neat
Featured by Binance, youare up
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
There are two componentson the Featured by Binance platform. Â The first part is a primarycampaign where we work with brands to help them reveal their NFTssimilar to our LaunchPad program for fungible tokens. The second partis an open platform where every creator can mint and list their NFTsfor sale.
Perhaps the biggestdifference between us and other platforms is that we are superexcited about NFT as a perfect use case to grow the crypto ecosystem. We care a lot about onboarding users to crypto/blockchain. Â Forexample, we have enabled two fiat on-ramps so people can purchase BNBdirectly on our platform.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Oh interesting, people canpurchase BNB right from your site using fiat
Very neat!
MOBOX next please
Soon (MOBOX):
MOBOX is a platform thathas found the perfect balance between DeFi Yield Farming and GamingNFTs. Â Rather than competing with other projects we have integrateddifferent base protocols such as pancakeswap into the platform tocreate a better user experience. Â We have successfully created notjust a play to earn platform, but also a free to play and play toearn platform.
With our experience inGaming we have created true NFT interoperability not just betweengames but also between platforms. Â We have also developed a wholeecosystem to lower the barrier to entry.
Most importantly, we arenot a blockchain company, but we are a gaming company integratingblockchain technology to take asset ownership and interoperability tothe masses.
We also have one of theonly deflationary NFT models that keeps supply and demand in check,ensuring that the secondary market is economically healthy.
With our previousexperience in game development and publishing, we have been able tocollaborate with world renowned e-sports teams such as Alliance toexpand our audience to traditional gamers.
MOBOX has created our ownchrome plugin wallet, android and iOS apps, NFT marketplace, mysterybox, and much more.
For a suite of ourproducts and how our ecosystem is interconnected with the goal tobring in traditional gamers into the blockchain ecosystem, check
Andrew (BSC.News):
Your own wallet, mobileapps and marketplace, is a lot of features all in one
MyDeFi Pet next please
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
My DeFi Pet currently hasgreat graphics and contents like traditional mobile or PC games. Wewill release many exciting in-game contents that have Play2Earnincorporated within the contents. That would make the players enjoythe game and not be bored grinding the Play2Earn features.
Also, the amount ofPlay2Earn tokens generated daily depends on the quality and strengthof the pets, not just an arbitrary number. The stronger your petsare, the more maps you can complete to earn the rewards.
Here are some gifs of thepets
Hope you can enjoy thegame yourselves đ
Andrew (BSC.News):
Very nice! When I went togo research your project, the game very much brought back thatnostalgic feeling of playing Pet games in the 2000s đ
So next up, we have allwitnessed the recent boom in the NFT market...
3. How do you feel asthough your platform has contributed to the booming NFT market?
Mean (BakerySwap):
We were the first tolaunch NFTs to Binance Smart Chain, from DeFi NFTs (like Food Combos)to the Open NFT Marketplace. We have contributed by bringing celebcollections to BSC, like Maye Musk, Marvel, OnePiece, or morerecently Allen Iverson, that have helped to educate more users intoNFTs.
Besides, we have launchedinnovative NFT gamification or collectible projects via IDO, thatmake our ecosystem stronger. One example is the Crypto Doggiespartnership. They have achieved amazing trading volumes (with a $250krecord) so far, while still trying to build a leadership position inthe collectible and meme sphere.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Yes, when I heard the newsabout AI I was super excited as a sports fan
Bunny Park you are next
Tony (Bunny Park):
We believe the practicalapplications of our NFTs have contributed to the booming NFT marketwhere users get to experience the various uses of NFTs includingmining, socialization, governance rights, etc.
As more practicalapplications of NFTs emerge, naturally there will be more users whowould buy the NFTs for the practical usage, which contribute to thebooming of the NFT market as a result.
Currently, we still focuson BUIDL
Andrew (BSC.News):
Heads down building willlead to a great future but indeed, integrating a use case for NFTs iswhat the future will hold I believe
Featured by Binance youare next
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Our platform just launcheda little over a month ago. Â
Ever since we startedexploring the NFT space, we spoke with many brands, and the numberone concern that we heard is that they do not want to be associatedwith being âcash grabbers.â Â
We spent a lot of timehelping them take a longer-term perspective on utilizing theirdigital assets on the blockchain, and we encourage them to take babysteps and experiment. Â
We want to make sure thatthe NFT ecosystem stays healthy to welcome more brands and fans.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Yeah for sure, having thatlong term vision definitley speaks for itself and users willorganically be attracted to projects that do not have that "cashgrabbing" mindset
MOBOX next please
Soon (MOBOX):
The MOBOX platform hassuccessfully brought utility to NFTs through gaming and farming. This is evident through the over 700,000 NFTs that users have mintedand over 55,000,000 USD in NFT trades.
As mentioned above we havesuccessfully create interoperability between games and platforms. Â Inregards to games, MOMO NFTs can be used across all the games on theMOBOX platform at the same time.
In regards to platforminteroperability, we have supported PancakeSwap NFTs without theusers needing to unstake their NFT from the PancakeSwap platform,creating real time interoperability and multiple use cases for singleNFTs.
We have also developed atrustless lend and rent system using Smart Contracts that allow NFTowners to lend their NFTs in an open market in a trustless fashion.Basically bringing the centralization of YGG directly to theblockchain through Smart Contracts, creating a trustless lend andrent ecosystem.
We believe that gaming isthe greatest utility for NFTs and have shown this in a short 4months. Â Traditional gamers are already accustomed to virtualeconomies and the dream of being able to own their hard earnedin-game assets. Â With MOBOXs vision and experience we are buildlingthe perfect ecosystem to make a gamers dream come true.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Gaming and NFTs my twofavorite things, love to see that!
MyDeFi Pet, you are next
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
My DeFi Pet is ablockchain game in which each pet is an NFT of its own. Users wouldhave the opportunity to trade their NFT pets in the marketplace thatgreatly contributed to the NFT market.
The pets that have goodgenes and traits would attract many NFT collectors, traders, andgamers that would be willing to bid to own it. The NFT trading volumewould increase significantly and it would help the BSC networkincrease the number of transactions.
Actually, My Defi Pet hasbeen in top 1- top 3 - top 5 and never out of top 10 trending onCoingecko in the past 2 months!
The game is also leadingthe NFT game by users on Binance Smart Chain recently in many rankingplatform.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Never out of top 10! Wowcongratulations !
So this next question is abig one that I believe to be critical to the long term vision of allNFTs which is
4. What utilities doyour NFTs provide for users? How are users incentivized to buy them?
Bakeryswap you are first
Mean (BakerySwap):
We incentivize byproviding rewards to our partners NFTs via staking. Our partners alsobenefit from a top class NFT marketplace, with a ton of traffic.Besides, we are currently working on some features to make ourplatform a first choice for any NFT project that wants to improvetheir distribution.
Regarding buyers, thecollectible potential value of some of the NFTs exhibiting in ourplatform is huge. There are Binance first NFT editions like Boo-nanceor Eye Candy (Halloween 2020), first 500 artworks minted on BSC, etc.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Interesting, and do youplan on releasing for all the major holidays or just that oneHalloween?
Mean (BakerySwap):
That was a partnerscollection. We have no plans for releasing season related bftsp
Andrew (BSC.News):
Gotcha, thank youBakerswap
Bunny Park you are next
Tony (Bunny Park):
Conventional uses of NFTsinclude holding them for their intrinsic value or to sell them at alater date when the value goes up.
Unlike conventional NFTs,BunnyPark aims to promote more practical applications of NFTs whereusers may mine BP with the NFTs that they obtain from the Blind Boxesor from other users.
To make NFT mining morefun and engaging, users may collect all four cards of the same seriesto enjoy bonus BP rewards up to 100%. On our Telegram communities,you will see users actively trading cards with each other to completethe sets. It is a lively place.
Also, on BunnyPark we useNFTs instead of tokens for governance rights where our Share cardholders can participate in BunnyPark community governance, decisionmaking, dividend sharing and supervision.
Right now, Share cardholders are enjoying a percentage of total daily output in accordancewith the Dividend Scheme.
After the Game and BountyScheme are launched, Share card holders will get to participate inthe interstellar expedition, team battles, and the bounty program.More details will be revealed later.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Very interesting BunnyPark!
Featured by Binance?
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
NFTs can have differentutilities based on what the creator wants to offer. Potentialutilities include rights to redeem for physical goods or access toevents or more virtual goods. Â We are running a campaign with aKorean museum now, and the highest bidder of the NFT auctions will beable to host a private event for one day at the museum.
The utilities also vary bysector. Â Gaming has a natural fit as blockchain games enable playersto import and use NFTs within games. Â
We will be making agame-related drop soon, and I am looking forward to sharing moreabout that with you all soon!
Andrew (BSC.News):
How neat, and with yourcollaboration with the Korean Museum, are the NFTs they provide basedoff real artwork?
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Yes, we are turning anactual museum exhibit into an NFT collection.
Andrew (BSC.News):
That's awesome
MOBOX you are next
Soon (MOBOX):
MOMO NFTs all have earningpower through using them through games, farming MBOX tokens, orrenting them out to other users. Â We believe that NFTs should neverbe idle and should always having earning potential other than beingtraded on the market. Â But most importantly this should be decided ina free market.
We have held an auction incollaboration with Binance, Alliance, CMC etc. for limited LegendaryNFTs which have been auctioned off for more than 150,000 USD. Because of the economy created for these NFTs, the value of each NFThas been decided by the open market.
We donât believe thatusers should be incentivized soley by developers. Innovation,exciting games, a great user experience, low barrier to entry andhaving something for collectors, investors and gamers, the marketwill be interconnected and will grow naturally.
Developers can providesystems for users to use, but incentives to purchase NFTs should bedecided by the market that should only be influenced by theinteraction between users themselves.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Yeah I remember the lasttime we spoke, the concept of your legendary NFTs and how much theysell for was outstanding !
Thank you MOBOX
MyDeFi Pet you are next!
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
My DeFi Pet is ablockchain game that will feature Play to Earn features.
Users with NFT pets wouldbe able to participate in the game and events to earn Play to Earnrewards.
Also, if they are lucky toobtain rare pets with excellent genes and traits, there would be muchmore demand for others to buy the pets, driving the prices higher.
Actually, the âDefiâin the name of âMy Defi Petâ is also a world of âDefiâ andâNFTâ functions where the game can be on blockchain and have manyfeatures that this industry can adopt.
Staking, Play To Earn,Governance and many more!
Andrew (BSC.News):
Awesome thank you for youranswee my DeFi Pet!
So moving forward...
5. What do you see inthe future of the NFT market and how do you think your platform willbe recognized as the space keeps evolving?
Bakeryswap up first
Mean (BakerySwap):
Thank you Andrew.
The NFT market willcontinue to grow in our opinion. Of course there will be winners andlosers, but overall, perspectives are positive. There are sectorsfrom NFT that will overperform, like the DeFi+NFT or the Celeb NFTsthat build a relationship with fans.
Our platform will evolveas the best marketplace for B2B2C operations, by improving our UX andadding more DeFi features. Our users are also one of our best assets
Andrew (BSC.News):
Thank you Bakeryswap!
Bunny Park up next
Tony (Bunny Park):
I believe the future ofthe NFT market will be bigger than we can imagine right now,especially growth of GameFi & Metaverse etc.
Right now, we will launchNFT-SaaS to allow more varieties of NFT functionality, product rulesand application value to be output in a series of standard smartcontracts.
Through this way, more NFTprojects and artists would be able to quickly form NFTs and NFTplatforms, promoting BunnyPark as the DeFi Lego in the NFT sector.Various interesting sections such as NFT Mystery Blind Boxes, NFTSocial Exchange, and NFT Park, a high quality NFT incubation platform will be found on BunnyPark.
Andrew (BSC.News):
And what is NFT-SaaS?
Tony (Bunny Park):
NFT with SaaS model, whichsync with our BunnyPark ecosystem for gamification, socialinteraction in our upcoming BunnyPark GameFi development.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Great, thank you for thatclarification Bunny Park
Featured by Binance youare next
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
We believe that the nextrevolution of digital assets will be on the blockchain. Â
The blockchain hasattributes that are very suitable for digital assets. It allows fordirect-to-fan relationships without any intermediary. Â It enablesglobal reach where everyone has the same access. Â
You already know about thepermanence and traceability of the assets. Â And more excitingly,digitial assets on the blockchain (NFTs) observe open standards. Open standards are the key reason that enables innovations on theDefi or the Internet, for that matter.
We are looking forward tomore innovations on NFTs, and we want to be the catalyst to enablemore digital assets to move to the blockchain and their fans into thecrypto space.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Awesome, great answerFlora thank you
MOBOX you are next
Soon (MOBOX):
The future of NFT has onlyjust begun. Â The key to NFT expansion is lowering the barrier toentry. Â Games is one of the best entry points due to its virtualeconomy and ownership of in-game assets that most gamers are alreadyfamiliar with or have dreamed about it.
MOBOX has alwaysunderstood this concept especially with lowering the barrier toentry, and that is also why we created our own wallets andapplications to ensure that we can simplify the process fortraditional gamers to understand what blockchain gaming is.
We are also collaboratingwith traditional e-sports teams and traditional game developers tocreate games for the MOBOX platform, while educating their viewers onhow to get started with blockchain gaming.
The biggest challenge isfinding utility for NFTs, and which is also something that many arestruggling with. Â Utility can come in many forms. Â For example,someone bought a Beeple art piece. Â Can it be more than just an artpiece? Â Of course it can! For example, we can support in our gamesand create expanded utility for it other than just being an idleobject on the blockchain.
I believe that MOBOX willalways be remembered for pioneering the right balance between DeFiand Gaming NFTs creating a truly free to play and play to earnecosystem. Â But more importantly MOBOX will be recognized forcreating true interopability, expanding utility, and having thevision that metaverses is not singular but rather a combination ofall these singular metaverses is what will take blockchain technologyto the masses.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Yeah I do believe as wellthat gaming can be a crucial step in bridiging that gap to those thatmay not be familiar with DeFi
But I mean, MOBOX hasfigured out how to overcome that challenge by adding plenty ofutilities to your NFTs
Soon (MOBOX):
Most importantly we havedone it in a way where it can be used simultaneously : )
just wanted to add that.Thanks haha
Andrew (BSC.News):
Haha thank you MOBOX
MyDeFi Pet, you are next
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
To us, The NFT market willcontinue to grow as it provides digital ownerships that no othertraditional platforms provide. I envision that it will be with us fora long time.
We have plans to targetgamers in different countries using localization. We arecollaborating with many local media agencies to push when ready. Assuch, our game would still be here with more in-game contentsintegrating Play2Earn features that would still attract users toplay.
I personally think thatMetaverse will be the next flow from NFT
Andrew (BSC.News):
And do you have plans tomove it to mobile?
Maybe even console ?
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
Haha of course, Mobileversion is in the roadmap. The Dapp My Defi Pet on KardiaChain walletmobile can also be one of the ways to access the game, and many moreto come.
For localization,currently we host many local events such as King and Queen contest(similar to Miss DPET, The Face DPET) in more than 2 countries andNFT meme contest to educate users how to bring their artwork on NFTmarketplace.
Then training their Pet tojoin BossFight event where players need to sacrifice their pet armyfighting against evil bosses to earn juicy rewards!
Andrew (BSC.News):
Awesome thank you for thatclarification
So moving on...
6. With the recent boomin the NFT market, investors are cautious of a potential NFT bubbleburst, if this were the case, how will you prepare for a burst withhigh sell pressure and panic selling of assets. What would happen toyour platform?
BakerySwap you are first
Mean (BakerySwap):
I was waiting to seebakeryswap before any response.đ
As we operate a neutralmarketplace our risk here is to lose NFT trading volume. Thatâs whywe are working to add new features and to compensate for that declineby attracting top notch partners, like the ones we are sharing withtodayâs AMAchella. The commitment of Bakery is to build beyond Bullor Bear markets.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Hahaha, sorry about that
But thank you for youranswer, glad to hear the "beyond bull or bear market"mindset resonating still
Bunny Park next please
Tony (Bunny Park):
As mentioned previously,our NFTs are not just for holding for its intrinsic value.BunnyParkâs NFTs have practical applications and depending on thetypes of NFTs, they are used for governance rights, mining,socialization, team battles, etc.
So, the NFTs all havepractical values and would be less susceptible to a potential NFTbubble burst and panic selling.
If the NFT bubble burstever happens, I foresee our platform would still be doing very well.In fact, our platform may even boom as a result of an exodus of usersrushing to get hold of our NFTs to participate in various gameplaythat BunnyPark offers.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Love the confidence
Featured by Binance?
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
After being in crypto fora few years, you get very used to the up and down cycles. Â We expectto see a flight to quality during the downtimes, and we welcomehealthy cycles that weed out pure opportunists. Â I do not think wewill do anything different: we will listen to brands/creators/fans'needs, and we will continually build.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Right, so the same mindsetthat BakerySwap has that no matter the market conditions, you willstrive to keep building and move forward
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Yes, that is superimportant for an early ecosystem.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Yes of course
Mobox next please
Soon (MOBOX):
I believe this questionshould be asked differently. Â The way this question is formulated isbasically acknowledging that there might be a bubble burst. Â If weacknowledge it that how much do we really believe in NFTs and thechanges and utility it brings to the real world? Â I believe thequestion should be how NFTs within a gaming economy can continue tobring value to users. Â
I believe that the marketwill work out for itself as long as developers continue to optimizethe internal economy, ensure that the tokenomics are deflationary,and continue to innovate. Â For example, MOMO NFTs have a deflationarymodel ensuring that supply and demand is always in check. Â We havealso brought a lot of innovation into the space such as the trustlesslend and rent system. Â
Its no longer about havinga fancy whitepaper, its about actual innovation and development andensuring that the team is transparent to users, and continue togarner feedback from the community and to act on that feedback in atimely an thorough manner.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Wow that is a veryinteresting point Soon!
Yes and as history hasshown, the market will always work itself out
But very strong statement,great to hear
Soon (MOBOX):
Agreed haha
Andrew (BSC.News):
MyDefi Pet you are next
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
Confidently, We haveenough revenue to continue developing the game for more than 5 years.
The price now is positive.And the game users are also great base. If NFT bubble ever happens,it would filter out all the trash projects that donât have theskills and knowledge to develop games.
We have 2 amazing cards:
- We have TopeBox (gameteam behind DPET), one of top game developers in Vietnam, to continuedeveloping new exciting game contents regardless what happens.
- We have KardiaChain(blockchain team behind DPET), national blockchain of Vietnam withbig ecosystem.
The vision of 2 entitiesin this joint ventures and the reputation ourselves canât besomething to joke about đ
Andrew (BSC.News):
Awesome to hear
Very strong statementsthis round love that!!
7. In terms ofsecurity, how did you create a platform where users can trust thattheir funds, NFTs and other sensitive assets will not be compromised?
BakerySwap as always, youare up first
Mean (BakerySwap):
In regards to security,BakerySwap is one of the few projects that have not been involved inany attack, and we have been operating this project for almost a fullyear. We take a very conservative stance regarding risk. Minimizingrisks is our Top Priority because trust is everything at DeFi.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Great, thank you for thatanswer Mean
Bunny Park, you are next
Tony (Bunny Park):
BunnyPark seeks the mostestablished institutions to conduct security audits: Slowmist andCertiK. You can see both audit reports online with just a Googlesearch.
Meanwhile, we will monitorinteractive data on the chain in real-time at our backgroundplatform. If an abnormality occurs, we will modify the emergencyparameters to reach the suspension agreement;
There are key parametersin our contract. If necessary, some or all of the functions can besuspended to avoid serious infringements.
For example: if miningcontracts and output are abnormal, we will set the block height tostop output at a specific time in the future. Some correspondingparameters also include the contract parameters of the NFT card, thecontract parameters of the Farm fund pool, and others.
In addition, 5% ofBunnyPark's Token distribution is used for developer incentives. Wewelcome developers to help us discover and fix security risks at anytime.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Okay great, a veryproactive approach to security
Featured by Binance, youare up
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Our platform isnon-custodial, and as a service provider, we never keep or have anyaccess to userâs funds or their NFTs. Â The users don't need totrust us as they are transacting via audited smart contracts directlywith their wallets.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Gotcha, thank you for thatFlora
MOBOX you are next
Soon (MOBOX):
One thing I fail tounderstand is how there are still flash loan attacks? Â All of theseattacks happened on Ethereum before and all happened the same way. The reason why its still happening on BSC is because there is somecopy and paste coding.
The MOBOX team hasexperience in coding Smart Contracts that have safely handled morethan 7 billion in USD volume. Â Before we even started coding, we wentthrough all previous hacks on BSC and ETH and dissected eachvulnerability one by one. Â For example for a flash loan attack totake place the transactions must be in the same block. Â To solvethis, we made sure that Smart Contracts cannot call some of ourfunctions, and that transactions involving user funds only happen onthe block after.
But of course we all havemany things to learn and will continue to educate ourselves to doeverything we can to the best of our abilities to ensure security isalways our number 1 priority.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Going right to the core ofthe problem I like that
MyDefi Pet you are up next
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
We have passed the codeaudit from Solidity Finance. We are also getting Certificates with 2other auditing agencies (big ones, I bet you guys all know them) toensure all smart contracts are secured.
The TopeBox (game teambehind My Defi Pet) got security secure from VNG one of the biggestGaming group in the nation, and KardiaChain (owner of My Defi Pet) issecured by CertiK and defense many attacks in our infrastructure.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Great, thank you Astrid.
So last but not least
And this is always myfavorite question
8. Are there any bigannouncements that you would like to make here today?
BakerySwap please take usaway
Mean (BakerySwap):
We are preparing our firstanniversary on September 14th, where we are going to share newexciting things, especially regarding our marketplace, and the Defi &NFT approach weâve been telling you about.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Awesome! Congratulationsand very exciting to hear
Next we have Bunny Park
Tony (Bunny Park):
Oh yes. We are launchingthe much awaited game and Bounty Scheme very soon. Be sure to checkout our official Twitter from time to time for the details.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Go check them outeveryone! Big things coming for Bunny Park
Featured by Binance, anynews for us?
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
As mentioned earlier, wejust launched yesterday an NFT collection from a physical exhibit atthe PODO Museum from Jeju island in South Korea. Â
In addition to thebeautiful art and aesthetics, this art exhibit touches on thepressing social issues of our society today, which I believe willbecome more relevant because there is an increasing physicalseparation between people during Covid. Â The meanings of these NFTs also very significant and we hope that this NFT collection will carrythese important discussions into the metaverse.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Very well said Flora,thank you for that.
MOBOX you are up next
Soon (MOBOX):
Short and simple.
For those who know me knowthat I hate shilling. So STAY TUNED TO SOON
Andrew (BSC.News):
Hahaha you need to makethat your motto
Okay and now we haveMyDeFi Pet
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
We will be launchingSeason 1 - Boss Fight. It will be the first part of our Play2Earncampaign where users would use their pets to fight the monster bossto receive DPET as reward...
Andrew (BSC.News):
Very cool!
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
NFT marketplace in-game iscoming soon
I forget đ
Andrew (BSC.News):
Haha all good! Go checkthat out everyone
So thank you all for youramazing answers that wraps up the first round of the AMA
Now the second portionwill be 1 project-specific question to each of the projects here
Sort of like a lightninground
So as always, to kick tothings off... BakerySwap
1. How do you promotethe artists/creators of those in your marketplace and gallery?
Mean (BakerySwap):
Above all, we promote themthrough our own social media. That includes our 350,000 Twittercommunity, Instagram or our discord channel. We organize differentcontent activities like drops, interviews to BakerySwap featuredartists, or merchandising. Regarding B2B2C projects, we also organizeAMA in our telegram channel, and use external media.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Great, thank you onceagain BakerySwap!
Bunny Park your questionis
1. Can you tell us indepth about your various cards and the different tiers of rarity?What can you get from a blind box?
Tony (Bunny Park):
For the BigBang Blind Box,there are four series of cards, namely: N, R, SR and SSR.
No matter if you buy aDreamCar series Blind Box or a BunnyGirl series Blind Box, the gameis still the same. So, it is possible to get a BunnyGirl from aDreamCar series Blind Box and vice versa.
The tiers of rarity are asfollows: N, R, SR, and SSR where N series is the least rare and SSRis the most rare.
There is a 50% chance ofobtaining a card from the N series, 30% from R series, and 15% for SRseries. As for the SSR series, there is a 2% chance of obtaining SSR2(NIGHT), 1% chance of obtaining SSR3 (GODDESS) and 0.9% chance ofobtaining SSR4 (BUBBLE). What about SSR1 (SWEET)? Well, it is onlyavailable via airdrop. To get 100% bonus BP output, all four cardsmust be present and mined together in the same card slot.
The structure of theClassic cards is simpler. The user may choose which series he or shewould like to get (i.e. Holiday, Daily or Family) and then purchasethe Blind Box according to the desired series. There is a 25% chanceof obtaining any of the cards of the same series. If all four cardsare mined together, the user will get to enjoy 20% bonus BP output.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Guess I gotta just keepbuying and hope I pull some SSR4s! Haha
But thank you Bunny Park
Featured with BinanceâŚ
1. You feature NFTsthat are labeled as one of a kind. What is to stop the artist fromgoing to a different blockchain and minting the same NFT? What doesthat do to the uniqueness and value of the NFT?
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Since blockchains aretransparent, it's easy to expose bad behaviors. Â We will also have averification process where creators will need to go through ourprocess to help users identify the legit creators.
Andrew (BSC.News):
Understood, so there is amechanism in place to ensure the validity of NFTs and to weed out badactors
Great to hear
1. Can you tell us moreabout your upcoming game and how it is different from the other gamesyou currently have?
Soon (MOBOX):
Always giving me questionsI canât answer haha
Our next game is calledMOMO: Blockchain Brawler which is an RPG game where MOMO NFTs andgems can be used. Â Each player will also have their own characterwhere they can battle in both PvE and PvP. Â We have also added anequipment market also with a deflationary model ensuring the supplyand demand is in check. Â
We canât give too muchinformation out now, but do stay tuned to our twitter @mobox_officaland telegram the most up to date news : )
Andrew (BSC.News):
just trying to get as muchfrom you as always haha
Soon (MOBOX):
Hahaha. Good try
Andrew (BSC.News):
But thank you, veryexcited to see that be implemented
And last but not least,MyDeFi Pet
1. Why should usersplay your game compared to the hundreds of other pet games builtoutside of blockchain? How do you plan on bringing people who may notbe familiar with NFTs to your project?
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
We are building ablockchain game from a game that would integrate Play to Earnfeatures. We focus heavily on the graphics and content of the gamethat make it exciting for players to play and earn.
We are in the process ofonboarding KOLs and streamers that would stream My DeFi Pet and guidenon-crypto users to join the game as seamlessly as possible.
DPET tokens are used topurchase new pets, evolve pet, breed 2 pets to acquire a newoffspring, vote, earn reward from staking, and earn reward inrevenue-shared model.
The addictive sense of thegame is that itâs so cute to onboard every users of any age. Fromkids to grandma, the family can gather and play it together. You canplay it with your friends in school, your brothers at home, yourpenpal ⌠most likely everyone.
Itâs not a picky game đ¤Š
Andrew (BSC.News):
Awesome DeFi Pet! Alwaysenjoy hearing projects bringing those who may not be familiar withCrypto into DeFi by lowering that wall of access !
So that wraps up thisAMAchella but I wanted to say a few words
First off thank you toeveryone who attended here today, I believe I can speak for theprojects here when I say that without this amazing community we wouldnot be here
Secondly, thank you to theBinance Smart Chain team for allowing us to hold the event here sothat everyone can learn so much about all these projects
And lastly, a big thankyou to the projects that were featured in the lineup, congratulationson everything you have achieved and wish nothing but the best in thefuture
Soon (MOBOX):
Would just like to give mythanks to BSC news and Andrew for holding this AMA. Itâs great toget together with other projects to mingle and chat.
Looking forward to thenext one. Thanks!
Astrid (MyDeFi Pet):
Thank you very much to getus all on this playground, I learn a lot from the organizingactivities of BSC! Very useful and professional indeed.
Thanks for spreading ourpresence in your community and users.
Flora Sun (Featured byBinance):
Thank you for having us!
Mean (BakerySwap):
It's a pleasure to behere, thank you everyone! â¤ď¸
Tony (Bunny Park):
Thanks everyone!
Andrew (BSC.News):
To stay up to date on allthe news surrounding the BSC ecosystem give us at BSC.newsa follow for the best DeFi news out there đ
Thank you all again andhave a wonderful day!
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